6th firework debate. About 85% of the population wanting fireworks outright banned but which parliament will listen?

*** EDIT: The 6th debate will now not take place on 24/06/2024 due to the general election. Whether or not it is rescheduled will be a decision for the new Petitions Committee ***

We left the European Union with a far lower percentage – just under 52%! The debate is no longer WHY? It’s more WHY NOT? There have been 5 debates already on the topic, with 6 government petitions reaching over 100,000 signatures, and another petition with over 1 million signatures. The 6th debate is scheduled for 24 June 2024. Each time great arguments across the spectrum of objections to fireworks have been put across by MPs. From people with PTSD, children with sound sensitivity, fears, people being woken in their sleep, to them being used as weapons, the environmental damage and the dreadful impact on wildlife and pets.

Each time in previous debates, the current government stands up and says they do not feel there is a need to change the law. Huh? Were they even listening? Have they seen the polls? Are they totally and utterly out of touch? Do they no longer believe in democracy? Read this blog (Polls Reveal Fireworks Sales To The Public Should Be Banned) to see a long, long list of stats, all across the country, across the years. The Mirror asked the question in November 2023, “Should fireworks be banned?” It wasn’t even to the general public. Just banned. And 87% answered a resounding YES! 90% answered the same in 2021. The summary is about 85% of people, across a list of separate polls, each time say, yes ban them. Combat stress and Help for Heroes have written an open letter to Kemi Badenoch explaining the impact on veterans with PTSD and asking for change. Animal charities have done the same – RSPCA, Dog’s Trust and many more.

They are outdated and the growth in the fireworks industry’s sales over the last decade, impacts individuals’ right to peace and quiet in their own homes.

When we have written blogs over the years, and had interviews with individuals impacted or who saw a loved one impacted dreadfully, they were often so kind and apologetic, believing themselves to be in the minority. Not wanting their need to have them stopped, to impact on ‘other people’s fun’. Well the truth is, it is actually the minority who want to ‘have fun’ in their back gardens, at any time of day or night, any day of the year and for any simple reason. And it is ‘fun’ that is harmful to people, the environment and animals. ‘Fun’ versus ‘Harm’. They are no longer valid in a society which realises that in order to survive, we need to be compassionate and live together in harmony with nature. And a society that is more aware of the importance of supporting the whole host of people who are severely impacted by them.

It is just a debate on 24th June 2024. The Government still needs to show at least some level of compassion and value in democracy – and listen to the people. They need to start a process to change the law. But what can you do? Don’t give up. We could have a new government soon … write to your MP – it’s easy. You simply go to writetothem.com, enter your postcode, pick you MP and write a polite letter with why you want change. We have written many blogs over the years which explain the multitude of reasons they should be banned (Blog) with statistics and important information.

You might also want to ask what your MP’s party’s policy is on fireworks – or they as individuals and what will they would do if voted in. We wrote to the main parties and didn’t hear back. So ask. Push them for who will back change if you vote for them. And let us know! And with an election coming up, vote with your feet. Vote with who you believe will listen to the people.

• Sign and share petitions
• Now is the time to write to your MP and ask them to push the Government to take drastic action. Reduce the number of days to just a handful a year, reduce the sound and ban the sale to the public. Or you can use the RSPCA template. There have been 5 debates, 6 petitions with over 100,000 signatures each, a Petitions Committee inquiry, polls all confirming what the people want – and the Government, in particular the Department of Business and Trade, who reviews the petition, needs to listen. Kemi Badenoch is the head of that department and MP for Saffron Waldon
• Write to your councils asking them to change what they allow.
• Share this blog in every group you are in on social media and in emails – particularly those not related to fireworks, to reach new audiences
• Ask your friends and neighbours not to let fireworks off or if they insist, to at least use low noise fireworks which are available from most firework suppliers
• Read and share more blogs on the impact of fireworks and share these too: The polls that show the vast majority of people in the UK want change, the Environmental impact, impact on pet owners, impact on war veterans and sufferers of PTSD and on assistance dogs, how even Christmas is no longer a time of peace and why fireworks are a nuisance and the law should change.